Friday, November 25, 2005

Blind Improvement

I think this speaks for itself.

New light, bigger and swooping over the intersection of 31st and Gillham, fine, whatever.

New sign on light, explaining when one may not turn left, ridiculously tiny.

Old sign on right has times posted clearly in a font drivers might actually be able to read. In fact, you almost can read it on your screen.

From the car, I couldn't read the sign on top, except for the big, red, no-left arrow. Without the pressure of time and traffic, later I figured out what was going on: "4-6" is not enough, signs must be explicit, even if unreadable at a glance, and include the requisite extras, hence "4:00 TO 6:00 PM." This must be to address the case of someone who might think turn is legal at 3:39 p.m. or that turns in the middle of the dark morning hours are also forbidden.

We all know it's important for drivers to spend as much time as possible looking away from the road to read long signs.

Even with my glasses on, the whole thing just looks like a bunch of O's.

I love good oversight of city-funded contractors, especially when this is not an isolated example of bad new turn signal signage in my city. I think I shall turn left here every day at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. and see what the courts do when I cite ignorance with "the sign, it's too tiny to read!"

Go ahead and submit this document as evidence, then, and I shall pay my fine and be held also in contempt for lying. It will be fun.

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