Please, tell me if I'm wrong — but when there is a human being between the two painted pedestrian-crossing stripes on the street and you are operating a motor vehicle that is approaching said human at 34 miles per hour, it's the right thing to do to stop, right?
He didn't recognize me, but I knew KCPD Deputy Chief Kevin Masters back when he was a sergeant … and when I say "know," I mean he's talked to me, knew my name in public without my reminding him — like he'd know any journalist whose newsroom he had visited, any "there's that reporter girl" he'd seen and talked to at events and the police board meetings and whatnot. I can't be 100% sure. But I'm not that bad with faces. And ours were about 10 feet apart.
My version:
15 June, ~13:30: Driving north on Grand Boulevard, right at the Sprint Center, see cop in uniform walking briskly from left/west curb into street and so slow down and stop as he's maybe three feet from my lane-space …
This happens as I'm looking into my rearview mirror and mouthing "don't hit me" to the car behind that was quite close and whose driver was probably surprised, like I was …
… while looking in mirror still, a half-second or so, I hear a shouting angry sound complemented by, as I turned eyes, the angry face in sunglasses set over waving-arm law enforcement officer yelling "GO!" (as in, "Go, you stupid woman.")
Sorry, didn't see your first and quieter instruction. I don't know why you didn't just keep walking.
Sorry, thought it was a good idea not to hit a pedestrian … I thought it was a good idea to stop in front of a police officer …
Leaves a blechy taste in my mouth, almost getting rear-ended and then getting yelled at.
I am going to chalk it up to the pretend fact that the officer must have been mad about paying too much for his greasy meal at (my favorite : ) Bice Bistro …