not get swine flu
do term paper*
*(get "enrolled" after being in class weeks and weeks … )
have dad at home for several days without exploding
make magazine grow in artists' usefulness
do other job
see if someone wants to fix a roof and eaves and much much more! for under $10k in january
not explode in general
not think about "transforming second half of my life" while also not having (had) babies
(republished from Facebook notes, 9-4-09)
you forgot: Avoid accidental evisceration by schizo feline by taking new approach to handling... involving chain mail and tranquilizer toothpicks.
second half? i wasn't aware the first half was over... geez, where've I been?
I don't know when the 2nd half begins in terms of time and actually hope it has not started yet. It occurred to me that 35 is half of 70, because my dad and grandfather are both in that decade.
Either way, planning ahead is a good idea.
It could have been a pun about my spouse (second half / better half), but you know you can't change other people : )
1. check
2. enrolled … learned paper requirements
3. pending
4. i defer judgement
5. a little
6. hmm
7. still alive
8. well, i think about it all the time! it was a joke, you know.
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