Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am involved with a group of generally post-immigrant white-ish people who make me giggle:

COPY: We will have next year's picnic at George Owens Nature Park on Saturday, October 11, 2008.

THIS MAKES ME GIGGLE, TOO: Delete Reply Forward Spam Move...

[Ah, computer adendums - adendi?]

HINT: Don't get involved with those who use Native American names, unless they are from here more genetically than thou.

It appears again free Internet is within my domestic grasp. It's interesting. I think if I was beaming wireless, I would password it. Of course, given its user name, it may be seasonal.

Our first siren. Ah.

T.V. sans cable works well, too.

Of course, there are about 90 cable connections in the box outside; the wired phone shows evidence of tons of residents with individual accounts.

This iMac battery is not that which it was cracked up to be. It was not obvious at all that the person who sold the item to me at my request had no clear idea or fact for battery life. Sigh.

It is all about the sigh, isn't it?

1 comment:

Susan said...

It's DEFINITELY all about the sigh! Crazy people not passwording their wireless!