Monday, October 29, 2007


If one can "possess" a tree, then this one would be "ours."

The colors of all the winter-readying deciduous branching things
(and the fact that it's sunny enough to appreciate them)
is about the only thing keeping me from losing it.

Also the fact that I can see things like this on my way to work:

No, not the construction fence, or downtown or the sky.
My poor photography has made this hawk, six feet off the ground and across from
Parade Park Homes, somewhat like Bigfoot, but s/he's there.


Susan said...

what an incredible thing! very cool indeed.

Susan said...

oh man! I didn't see the tree pic the first time somehow - doh! - it is breathtaking - not least since we get virtually no fall color changes down here :( so thanks hugely for this - it is beautiful!

Applecart T. said...

i hate how the field of text space differs from the template or even the compose mode. stupid, terrible technical oversight. and my screens are not accurate, so sorry about blowing most things out,