Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back to Basics

If you happen to be here:

Don't look in the woods.

You may become disgusted with humanity.

All over again.

This property belongs to either the railroad, the children's hospital, the city parks department or other entity.  The east side is a typical dump site, with trashbags, a discarded carpet, wooden palette, litter, old homeless camping junk … the west side is someone's idea of an exploded picnic, 10,000 lunches of plastic wear, bottles, styrofoam, a kid's tricycle, nursery trees that died in their root-bags, etc.  The dinner-wear seems to have arrived all at once …  This mess extends along the railroad bluff under Gillham along 22nd Street west to McGee.


Hyperblogal said...

On-line report it to 311... send a pix too. I did that with the brush/trash pile around the corner from me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the guy in the Missouri house who introduced a bill seeking the death penalty for litterers was right.

Susan said...

the woods are dark and scary indeed... no surprise that -like with most undesirable things- the dangers are human-engendered :(

Applecart T. said...

Yes, reported. We are hoping to see the orange team (not Funkhouser, but the folks who have tickets and such they can't pay off and so spend Saturdays doing "community service") out there picking up the plates soon.

No, death for litter is silly. We'd have to kill off all the heads of all companies that manufacture anything … they have "regulations," but there is plenty of mess.

And, a landfill *there* is not much different than a psuedo-landfill *there*.

Finally, by "back to basics," this little punner meant "photos" and especially photos of trash, which are her favorite.

Word verification says: harmo

: )

Anonymous said...

If you want something done, sometimes you have to do it yourself.

The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. Care to make KC a little nicer and do some cleanup?

Applecart T. said...

No, I already said "they" "have" "people" who *have to* do that anyway. I have volunteered at other trash sites without being sentenced. This is not a one-person job, nor is this is a situation in which my "wanting" this done means I should do it myself.

It's closed land, so my being there would be trespassing.

And, without neighborhood association connections, there is nothing for me to do with the bags of trash afterward.

Anonymous said...

The problem is "they" are dealing with a huge budget shortfall at all gov levels. Even free community service labor isn't free once you add in transportation, porta pottys, orange vests, trash hauling, etc.

Unfortunately scenes like this are likely to increase for the foreseeable future.

Hyperblogal said...

Areas of my neighborhood have been trashy for years long before any budget problems... and "they" have done nothing. .t. is doing the proper thing by notifying the city. This is private property in a dangerous area .. I wouldn't go anywhere near it on my own.

Anonymous said...

that's the funny thing about journalist types. thier idea of "doing" something about a particular problem is showing or telling others it exists.

Hyperblogal said...


Needs an Editor said...

one would need permission to enter this RR property. and police or some escort b/c of the random others apt to be there (in what is essentially a ditch that's hard to escape from).