Monday, December 20, 2010

372 Years Ago

There was a full moon lunar eclipse on the winter solstice.
In about 15 hours, if it's not cloudy, North Americans and other
will be able to enjoy that again.

What would the Mayans do? : )

Seems like we posted another lunar eclipse not so long ago.
Here's to the lengthening of days.
Happy summer, Southern Hemisphere.


Nick said...


Anonymous said...

lunar eclipse on the shortest day of the year with a meteor shower...maybe the mayans were a couple of years off - how far off the galactic plane could the sun be only two years away, eh?

Applecart T. said...

Yes, I remember 3 years ago.

PS, it was cloudy.

Other friends saw bits and pieces; I slept until 4-something [indoors, unlike other viewer-friends], waking up when it was all over (and still overcast : (

Nick said...

Awake I saw but fragments. By 4ish the cloudsmoon.orb