Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Walnut way


Susan said...

As usual your shots are glorious and pure in their simplicity and everyday-stuff-ness. (Which sounds much more art critic-y than I meant to and which is entirely sincere even tho it came out so over the top.) How do you spot such fun subjects? I love this one and the bug/veggies even tho I'm still partial to the feline shots - and NOT because I am some huge cat fanatic (even tho I am a medium-sized one) but because those too you seem to catch so perfectly... Rock on Shutter Sister.

Susan said...

fun alphabetization btw - dang! you beat me to it - that's what I get for blowing off my blog soup cleanup all summer - if I alpha mine now promise not to think me a copycat?

Applecart T. said...

i only did it so as to appear impartial. you know us/we journalists (who can't even remember what grammar rule would rule that above structure), we don't want to look like we care about anything.

i was copying someone else anyway!

ps - i just happen to have a camera with me almost all the time (because i'm "working" all the time). this sign is on walnut st., which is the street where the local election board offices are, which was somewhere i had to go to get stuff after the august 2 elections.