Saturday, January 27, 2007

Diphenhydramine HCI

Three things:

1. I find it disturbing (or perhaps just shocking as all new, unexpected, unsought-for knowledge is) that you can buy meds on

2. I find it disturbing that it was not easy to find information about this drug in particular.

3. I find it odd that most of the "hits" I could find referred to this as merely "the active ingredient in Benadryl."

(Note that "insomnia" is not checked off as a symptom that the pink pill will tackle. The sleeping-labeled pills are blue. They are the same size, small. It only grows if you have to add Tylenol. Why is Tylenol so big?)

So, they sell this as a sleep aid, and that's why I have it around.

So, does this mean that if you have allergies that you are more prone to being awake, or does this mean that if you take Benadryl for your allergies and expect to drive, go to work, function, etc. that you are falling for a bad pharmaceutical joke?

A page selling something called Sonador says that this concoction can also be used to treat "certain forms of parkinsonism, motion sickness and certain allergic conjuntivities."

It reduces the time to fall a sleep [sic] and gives more depth to your sleep. Sure, that explains why when I take it I wake up four times a night. I guess falling back to sleep seems easier, but this stuff's definitely a dehyrant.

Is it because ". . .side effects from diphenhydramine are not common," that they don't list them on my OTC sleeping potion? Are my symptoms of these severe enough or not going away enough that I should tell my doctor: dry mouth, nose and throat, drowsiness, upset stomach, chest congestion, headache?

I have headaches all the time, regardless. My sinuses are dry as scabs. These things are normal for winter, for people who can't drink enough water because it is tiresome and time-consuming.

PS - How long is "not go away" for drowsiness? Twelve hours?


Anonymous said...

Boil water on the stove for 5 or 10 minutes each day at home or office (if office has stove). This will increase the humidity and reduce the chance for excessive dryness and cat electrocution. Works also for birds.

Susan said...

this is akin to the quandary I had last time I had a cold and I overdid it slightly on the generic nyquil and instead of putting me out even better I slept quite fitfully all night and felt just about as bad the next morning if not worse due to poor rest... I guess there's something weird about the drowsy-enabling chemicals where if you cross the line it starts backfiring... wish I had more salient info for you t... I HAVE noticed that Tylenol is quite large, tho, along with Walmart Advil oval tablets (why are ovals bigger in volume than the round ones even tho it's the same mg?) and vitamin B which apparently has grown over the last few years... I have trouble swallowing large pills and used to find Vit. B that was teensy then all of a sudden the same company only had the horse pill-sized ones and of course no teensy ones from any other companies...

hearmysong said...

try pranayama breathing... that helps me. or not sleeping through the night for weeks at a time, due to family illnesses (again).

nyquil is good, but only if you fall asleep within the hour. then it backfires (as diane pointed out)

hearmysong said...

whoops. susan. not diane. sorry diane. and susan.