Friday, August 31, 2007

New blogs on the side

Disapproving Rabbits!
Munchy's Blog

Also note blogs that have been relegated to the "wake up" section for their dormancy.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm so glad I'm not in the dormant club yet - I've been pretty lax of late - as for your blogroll question, I have no idea but it sounds very intriguing! do you use blogroller? that's what I use - I'm sure that and other listy things probably have some settings somewhere to change colors on new ones - or if you're doing the blogroll your own self like I used to it's just a matter of using a different font color for the html for that particular text - google "html color chart" and you'll see all the colors if that's the case and just put (less than sign)font color="#660066"(greater than sign) before whatever text you want to change and (less than sign)/font(greater than sign) after - change the color number according to what you want of course - if you let a blogroller application do it instead this is all moot and you'll just have to pardon my verbosity (actually you have to do that either way :) -- blame my mom's anal/educator genes... which evokes rather wacky images but you know I didn't mean anything untoward :) (ps if you use blogroller or know that it offers that color change thing, let me know - I'd be anxious to make the same settings change for mine and I'll let you know if I figure it out :).... can you tell I've had caffeine? Just how completely gauche IS it to use blog comments for email-worthy stuff? nevermind, don't tell me :)belette*13